Monday, January 21, 2008

New mom

i'm still getting used to this motherhood thing. my son was one month old yesterday. in some ways it seems as though time has flown by and in others it just seems to drag along. it has been quite an experience to far.

one thing i have always prided myself on is my excellent memory. we had a conversation three weeks ago, i can tell you what you said pretty close to verbatim. lately that has not been working out too well for me. our first outing with ephraim was christmas eve. well, i planed everything out including what time i needed to get ready, pack stuff, start the car, and leave. oops, i failed to plan time to get ephraim ready, we were thirty minutes late. ephraim and i went to target last week. i carried him inside in his car seat and put it on the cart. i unfastened his seat belt so he would be more comfortable while we were shopping. after we were done shopping, i zipped up his blanket cover and carried him to the car and put his seat in. i drove across the street to my next destination. upon getting out to get him, i noticed i had never refastened his seat belt. i have left the house with out wipes, with a dirty bottle instead of a clean one, no pajamas, and no diapers on various occasions. once i even forgot to put ephraim's shoes on him after i got them out and loosened them all up. hopefully i can get it together soon, but i have a feeling it is only going to get worse!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that made me laugh. It is ALL so true. Shoot, the girls can do most things for themselves now and we are still late all the time because I am always going back into the house to get something I forgot. I just don't worry about it anymore. If I'm late, I'm late! At least I got there.